Hoen-ji Winter Sesshin
Sitting in the deep stillness, as snowflakes fall and temperatures drop, we can encounter our true nature. This Zoom sesshin will be led by Shinge Roshi and will include zazen, morning service, teisho, dokusan and Dharma interviews with Shinge Roshi and Chigan Roshi. Off-line time will be built into the schedule for meals, work practice at your homes, and kinhin (walking meditation).
After you register, you will receive a confirmation email that includes payment instructions. A detailed schedule will be sent to registrants just before sesshin begins.
While we encourage full-time participation, you may join us for as much as you can. Suggested contribution: $75-$150.
We want to make these offerings available to everyone, regardless of ability to pay. If you cannot afford the minimum, then contribute what you can. If you can afford more, please consider giving at a higher level to help others. Your support is so important at this time, when we have no income from our usual in-person programming. Please help us continue our Dharma work.