Nyogen Senzaki Sesshin
Join us at this weekend sesshin honoring Nyogen Senzaki, a great early pioneer of Zen in America. A disciple of Soen Shaku Roshi, Nyogen Senzaki came to the United States in 1905. He practiced alone at first, then was gradually sought out by Americans eager to learn about and practice Zen. His teachings and poems continue to inspire us decades after his passing.
Led by Shinge Roshi, Chigan Roshi, and Hokuto Sensei, the Zoom sesshin will include zazen, morning service, teisho, a Dharma talk, dokusan, and Dharma interviews. Off-line time will be built into the schedule for meals, work practice at your homes, and kinhin.
While we encourage full-time participation, you may join us for as much as you can. The sliding scale fee is $75 to $150.
For more information or to register, please click here.